A new standard in construction project management

Frameron’s construction project management software gives you a complete overview and control of the construction project from day one. It’s the future standard for management, saving thousands of euros and hundreds of man-hours in paperwork and communication management.

Be among the first to get more information

    Be among the first to get more information

      We reduce management costs by at least 30%

      Efficient work organisation and automated project management help to reduce project management costs by up to a third. Proven to work!

      Accurate and lossless information management

      Frameron’s software solution eliminates long e-mail threads and miscommunication and ensures that information reaches the right people at the right time, without anything getting lost.

      Fewer errors at the factory and on-site

      Frameron software saves every change made – from project planning until after-sales service and the end of the builder’s warranty. That gives everyone involved in the project an accurate real-time overview of every detail, and human errors can also be quickly found and corrected.

      Safe for both the building and the builder

      One of the goals of developing this project management software was to make working on a construction site safer. Real-time automated safety information with mandatory tours and checklists the work of inspectors and increases the safety of builders.

      Reducing our CO2 footprint

      Web-based digital project management greatly reduces paperwork and reduces the need to travel and burn fuel. The construction of both houses and large complexes is becoming faster, less disruptive to neighbours and the normal way of life in the area, and much less polluting the environment.

      We reduce management costs by at least 30%

      Efficient work organisation and automated project management help to reduce project management costs by up to a third. Proven to work!

      Accurate and lossless information management

      Frameron’s software solution eliminates long e-mail threads and miscommunication and ensures that information reaches the right people at the right time, without anything getting lost.

      Fewer errors at the factory and on-site

      Frameron software saves every change made – from project planning until after-sales service and the end of the builder’s warranty. That gives everyone involved in the project an accurate real-time overview of every detail, and human errors can also be quickly found and corrected.

      Safe for both the building and the builder

      One of the goals of developing this project management software was to make working on a construction site safer. Real-time automated safety information with mandatory tours and checklists the work of inspectors and increases the safety of builders.

      Reducing our CO2 footprint

      Web-based digital project management greatly reduces paperwork and reduces the need to travel and burn fuel. The construction of both houses and large complexes is becoming faster, less disruptive to neighbours and the normal way of life in the area, and much less polluting the environment.

      How does Frameron software simplify project management?

      The answer’s simple – fast!

      Frameron’s project management software helps every developer manage resources and make optimal use of them. Time, money, materials, manpower – Frameron software integrates all aspects of project management into a digital framework and allows them to be tracked and managed in real time.

      With dynamic software, an engineer or project manager can enter site or production related information immediately into the Frameron project. This can be done on the job site or at the factory. The parties affected by the information receive a notification and can act accordingly.

      Watch video

      An indispensable resource for all construction projects

      An indispensable resource for all construction projects


      Fast forwarding of photos to those involved

      There are many different reasons why photos need to be taken and sent when managing a construction project,
      but the most important of these is the speed and clarity of information transmission. Sending important information in the form of an image provides a record of the production, installation or after-care stages, and can help discover a problem that needs to be solved.

      Not only is a picture worth a thousand words, a picture speaks more precisely than a thousand words.


      We save on travel expenses

      If you operate across international borders, travel costs are a hefty cost associated with each project. Even if you’re operating domestically, site visits can also be time-consuming if the construction site is hundreds of kilometres away. Remote management means project personnel will have less need to visit the factory or site in person. Frameron software provides a real-time overview of the development project and allows you to respond to problems immediately and regardless of location.

      We mitigate risks and keep processes secure

      Frameron software is like your personal assistant. It keeps an eye on your workflow and lets you know when the status of a job needs to be updated or a deadline is fast approaching. It also reminds you if you forgot to reply to an e-mail or call at an agreed time.


      (Virtual) secretary included

      An engineer or project manager no longer has to double as a secretary – meeting minutes are drawn up automatically. In addition, it is possible to transmit information to the parties paperless and without exiting.

      The project stays on schedule and on track

      Construction projects have an inherent tendency to run past deadlines. To prevent small delays from becoming major misses, our project management software includes automatic alerts.
      In this way, all parties can see at any given time what is responsible for a delay.

      Getting started is easy

      Active user support

      We offer a range of interactive user support options, from software manuals and videos to real-time online help.

      We can also provide training

      The result is preceded by user experience. Our hope is that Frameron software will generate only positive experiences from start to finish. That’s why we offer personal training and consultation key project personnel and main users.

      Simple and logical from day one

      Frameron software was developed by and for people in the construction field. That’s why the software is generally very intuitive.


      Sound useful?

      That’s how you should feel! Let us know if you’re interested and you’ll be among the first to start using the software!


        “Frameron stemmed from the need for a project management system in the construction of Hilandero modular houses. We have been developing and testing the original version for five years on real life building projects, and it seems the time is right to share this indispensable tool with everyone.”

        Marko Põlluäär
        Project manager